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  傳承六代意大利家族工藝,Loro Piana諾悠翩雅專注于高端紡織品,足跡踏遍全球,只為尋找世界級珍稀原材料,對至臻品質矢志不渝的追求令它成為奢侈品行業的標桿。如今的Loro Piana諾悠翩雅作為LVMH路威酩軒集團成員,將完美品質和貼心服務帶給全球各地更多的客人,也為品牌員工提供更為完善和廣闊的職業發展空間。

  With the craftsmanship heritage of six generations, renowned Italian brand Loro Piana operates in the high-end luxury goods sector and has made uncompromising quality its mission, offering the most discerning clients clothing, accessories and gifts which have been made in Italy from the finest raw materials in the world. The spirit of strive for excellence makes it the benchmark of the luxury world. After joining LVMH group, Lora Piana offers premium quality and distinguished service to more customers around the world, at the same time provide a vast career development platform to its employees.

詳細信息| Detailed information

主營產品或服務: 主營行業: 成品鞋
經營模式: 品牌廠家 企業類型: 私營企業
公司注冊地: 上海 主要經營地點:
公司成立時間: 法定代表人/負責人:
年營業額: 員工人數:
經營品牌: LoroPiana 注冊資本:
主要客戶群: 主要市場:
年出口額: 年進口額:
開戶銀行: 帳號:
是否提供OEM服務? 研發部門人數:
月產量: 廠房面積:
質量控制: 管理體系認證:
